We are happy to share the story of Alice, a Ugandan sister who is attending the STTC. There are many African sisters interested in becoming qualified teachers in order to offer competent and quality service to those in need. This is why the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) is committed to supporting many of them with adequate scholarships.
While I was doing my O Level at Okollo Secondary School in Uganda, I came in contact with the Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I liked their charism and mission. I joined the
The sisters involve in evangelization through education at all levels in Ugandan and South Sudan. The Institute has thirty five Religious Sisters, twenty South Sudanese and twelve Ugandans. The Sisters run hospitals, schools, orphanages, social work, catechesis programs, etc. The main challenge that the sisters have faced in the recent times is war which caused displacement of the Sisters to Uganda. Some of the formation programs have been shifted to Uganda as well. The war has led to a huge loss of school and convent properties as well. I had a great interest to teach the primary school children. So, I wanted to be trained as a qualified teacher. My Superior suggested me that I could choose to study the teacher training course Solidarity Teacher Training College (STTC), Yambio, South Sudan. I applied for an admission and was asked to sit for the entrance test and interview. I express my sincere gratitude to STTC for having accepted me to do the two years National Certificate in Primary Education. It is a blessing that I was given a free accommodation and tuition by the college. Life in the college is good. Living with the students from all the states and tribes is a good experience. There is harmony and unity among the students of different tribes in the college. I would like to make use of this opportunity and do well to become a qualified teacher to teach in the primary schools in order to serve the poor children. Wherever I am placed by my Superiors I will be ready to work and educate the poor children. My personal dream is to go to Nzara in the Western Equatoria State, South Sudan, to work among the poor children after my Certificate training”. |
Date Published:26 April 2023 Author:Alice, Officer
Article Tags: Latest news, South Sudan, Solidarity, Teacher training, Life stories |