One of the interesting links that the Solidarity with South Sudan pastoral team has made in the last 2 years is with an organisation called ‘The Institute for Healing of Memories’.
This was founded by an Anglican Priest, Fr Michael Lapsley, a member of the “Company of the Sacred Mission” (SSM). Born in New Zealand, he moved to South Africa at an early age and soon became deeply engaged in speaking out against the evils of Apartheid. In 1990, three months after the release of Nelson Mandela, he was sent a parcel bomb hidden beneath two religious magazines. It is suspected that this was sent by agents of the Apartheid Regime. He lost both hands and an eye in this attack. The Healing of Memories Workshop was first developed to run in parallel with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (1996-98). The Institute was founded in 1998 and worked extensively in South Africa before sharing the fruits of its experience internationally in both conflict and post conflict situations. Christy John, Solidarity Pastoral Administrator, established links with this Institute and assisted in sending two Pastoral Team Volunteers for training to South Africa. This was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration. Constance Nabwire, one of our volunteers, describes her experience of the memory healing workshop as follows: “The exercise in solitary silence took me back in time to a situation I seldom thought about-my siblings’ journeys in life and how I could have done better being the second eldest and administrator of my parents’ estates. The silent helped me see the hurt/anger/betrayal that still lingers deep inside. Listening to the memories by myself led me to feel what my siblings may have felt making more sensitive to their personal losses and our collective loss (…) accepting and being responsable for what happens now help create a promising future” (from: Constance Nabwire for the IHOM Newsletter – May2024)
Date Published:28 May 2024 Author:Jim Greene, Executive Director
Article Tags: Latest News, South Sudan, Solidarity, Pastoral services, Contribute, Trauma healing, Healing of memories |