
God is revealed in every child


Pope Saint Paul VI, on Christmas of 1971, said: “God could have come wrapped in glory, splendour, light and power, to instill fear, to make us rub our eyes in amazement. But instead he came as the smallest, the frailest and weakest of beings. Why? So that no one would be ashamed to approach him, so that no one would be afraid, so that all would be close to him and draw near him, so that there would be no distance between us and him. God made the effort to plunge, to dive deep within us, so that each of us, each of you, could speak intimately with him, trust him, draw near him and realize that he thinks of you and loves you… He loves you! Think about what this means! If you understand this, if you remember what I am saying, you will have understood the whole of Christianity”. . . .God chose to be born a tiny child because he wanted to be loved.

Once again, dear members and friends of Solidarity with South Sudan, we approach the beautiful and mysterious feast of Christmas, with its core assertion that the God who is powerful enough to bring the entire universe into being also chose to make himself totally vulnerable to his creatures in the person of a little child born in a stable in Bethlehem.

Contained in this beautiful mystery of the Incarnation, of the Word Made Flesh, is the conviction that God is revealed in every child who comes into the world, and that each of us is a reflection of some aspect of God’s beauty, and truth, and goodness.  And perhaps, especially, in those children whose beauty most often goes unrecognized.

The women and men who are ministering on our behalf in the projects of Solidarity with South Sudan have felt called to this difficult and challenging mission because of our radical Catholic belief in the reality of the Incarnation.  We strive to see the face of God in every person in South Sudan, beyond the categories of tribe, gender, or economic or social status, and accompany them as they endeavor to realize God’s dream for themselves and for the people of their struggling and impoverished country.

At this time of year, as we turn our minds and hearts toward the contemplation of those things for which we are most grateful, we are grateful to all of you  for your solidarity with us through your prayers, financial contriibutions, and other forms of support for the important ministry of Solidarity with South Sudan.

“The eternal future has entered our time. Its brightness is still dazzling, so that we believe it to be night. But it is a blessed night, a night that is already warmed and illuminated, a beautiful night, cosy and sheltering, because of the eternal day that it carries in its dark womb” … Karl Rahner

Almighty God and Father of Light
a child is born for us and a son is given to us.
Your Eternal Word leaped down from heaven
in the silent watches of the night,
And now your Church is filled with wonder at the nearness of her God.
Open our hearts to receive his life
And increase our vision with the rising of dawn,
That our lives may be filled with his glory and his peace,
Who lives and reigns forever and ever.

Solidarity with South Sudan wishes you a Merry Christmas

Read the appeal

Date Published:

20 Dec 2022


Fr. David, Mission Promoter


Article Tags:

Latest news, South Sudan, Solidarity, Christmas, Love

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