“The Season of Creation” finds its origins in an initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I of the Eastern Orthodox Church, who, in 1989, declared September 1 as a “day of Prayer for Creation”. The initiative has subsequently been adopted by many Christian traditions, including the Roman Catholic Church, and has evolved into an entire “season”, like the historic liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, as a time to focus on God’s gift of Creation and the role of the human within God’s Creation. Many scholars have demonstrated that much of Christian theology in recent centuries has been excessively “anthropocentric”—focused exclusively on the “human”—and suggest that this excessive anthropocentrism has resulted in a lack of care for Creation itself. In the spirit of Francis of Assisi (4 October) and Hildegard of Bingen (17 September), this relatively new liturgical season hopes to bring a renewed focus on the gift of Creation itself as a source of prayer, thanksgiving, wisdom, and mystical encounter. Solidarity with South Sudan supports this initiative, and we seek to promote the goals of the Laudato Sì movement in everything we do. Consider participating in the Global Ecumenical Prayer Service on September 1 Visit the official website https://seasonofcreation.org Next articles on Aug 30 Sep 6 Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 27 Oct 4 |
Date Published:23 August 2023 Author:Fr. David Gentry
Article Tags: Latest news, South Sudan, Solidarity, Season of Creation |