
Reflection on the Season of Creation


In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth—and the earth was without form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a mighty wind sweeping over the waters—Then God said: Let there be light, and there was light (Genesis 1:1-3).

As Christians, we believe in the “incarnation”, that Christ, the second person of the Trinity, became human flesh in the womb of Mary some 2000 years ago.  What many of us fail to realize, however, is that Christ has been present in creation from its very inception, that the “Word” that God speaks in Genesis 1:3 was understood by the Ancient Fathers of the Church to be a reference to Christ, and that, as Paul tells us, everything has been created through Christ.  In light of our renewed ecological consciousness, contemporary scholars have been putting a new emphasis on this ancient idea.  They call it “Deep Incarnation”, the idea that the incarnation does not only refer to the human incarnation of Christ in the womb of Mary, as important as that surely is, but that it refers to the presence of Christ in all of creation.  Reflecting on this idea can help us to deepen our appreciation of the sacredness of all of God’s creation, of life in all of its splendid diversity and variety, and of the human lives, too, of those who are different from and distant to us.  At the Solidarity Teacher Training College in Yambio, we meet three Laudato Sì Action Platform goals: response to the cry of the poor, ecological education, and community resilience and empowerment.

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Date Published:

30 August 2023


Fr. David Gentry


Article Tags:

Latest news, South Sudan, Solidarity, Season of Creation

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