
Physical education and traditional songs in the Riimenze kindergarten


Mrs Madeline, teacher at the Saint Dominic Nursery School in Riimenze, often takes her pupils outside the school for physical education lessons; this practice is very important for the pupils because it makes them physically fit and they are more active when they return to class. It also develops their reasoning skills. In the photos, the children hold each other while moving slowly, dancing and singing a song, expressing their happiness at participating in this type of activity all together. Children also often learn traditional songs at school, which serve to reinforce the learning of the mother tongue. For the Azande people, who live in the state of Western Equatoria, particularly in Yambio and other neighbouring counties, learning to speak and write in their mother tongue is very meaningful, as part of the process of transmission of the Azande identity to new generations.

Read this and other news from the Riimenze Community in the latest project NEWSLETTER!

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Date Published:

20 December 2024


Alice, Officer

Article Tags:

Latest news, South Sudan, Solidarity, Riimenze, Sustainable agriculture, Livestock training

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